













上檔日期 公元2014年9月28日


Apocalypse 38: Ama’s Universal Precious Seal

Hundred Years Passed After Earth Been Mended

During the progress of human’s evolution, the most marvelous part is SaHa world. Earth children have so much fun playing in this world, and also produce a lot of spiritual and physical trash all over the place. Therefore, God always plays the role of picking up the trash and being responsible of cleaning up the environment. If without God’s silent clean-up work, human beings can’t live in this world until now.

Wars, gunfire, chemical pollution among the environment, the problem of food safety, the disputes of human’s affection…etc are all created by human beings and make the earth bruise and sick like a rag clothes. God works so hard to mend and sew all over the place and it’s been one hundred years passed. So God uses the nutrition of Da-Tong World to nourish earth children’s inside and outside need in order to let earth children be born as a healthy heaven babies.

Ama’s Universal Precious Seal

Ama’s Universal Precious Seal was given to Ama and presents the power and authority from God. Ama has to make Da-Tong World happen and make heaven on earth with it.

Ama is so nervous to be given this Seal because Ama thinks she didn’t read too much worldly knowledge. Ama hopes any knowledgeable people can provide your precious advices and together we can build the new world as a heaven on earth ( Da-Tong World).

The Holy Decree of Ama’s Universal Seal Arrives

1. From Nov 18th, 2014, universal energy will be transformed into the reproducible form and used by human beings so there’ll be less pollution on earth. Human can have enough energy.

2. From Jan, 2015, all human have to be vegetarian. Anyone who doesn’t follow will transform to be animal human.

3. From Nov, 2014, any drought place on earth will have enough rainfall and grow all kinds of crops and fruit. There’ll be no flood area, no famine, no cold and frozen weather which makes people frozen to death. Everyone can have enough clothes and food.

4. From May, 2015, earth’s plate will be recomposed. The crowded living land will appear newborn land which makes earth children have enough living space.

5.From Nov. 1st, 2014, the construction of heaven on earth (Da-Tong World) will be started. All human can’t use any gunfire, bombs, chemical weapons to destroy earth and hurt human’s lives. All weapons will be no functional at Nov. 1st, 2014.

Written by Ama at Sep. 26th, 2014
Posted at Sep. 28th, 2014




宇宙簸箕大星船是宇宙上帝用愛力和智慧打造的,這個大星船的名字叫做——飯(Fun)——這個大星船是由12個地球組合。每個地球都有個安全的時空距離,我們的地球是第七號地球,幸運的七號地球。七號地球小孩進化的過程中,宇宙上帝首先用宇宙的光和銀帶(音帶)創造一對人類的始祖——"妲妲與旯旯",在天球期(創造世界)妲妲和旯旯從光和音裡創造了天球小孩。經過了人神世界後,在不同的宇宙背景和地球環境下,妲妲和旯旯蛻變為神人和人類而孕育了地球上許多小孩。人類的始祖亞當和夏娃,伏羲與女媧就是妲妲與旯旯 (詳情請閱讀《妲妲與旯旯》或舊檔第一部份“有最原始的答案”)。






在娑婆世界是有法則的,但是有些人都不按照牌理出牌,所以把地球弄得不成章法,這樣如何留下一個清淨的地球給後面再來進化的地球小孩呢?我們這一回的地球小孩是第42回的進化之旅,地球人類的進化之旅一共有168回 。本來在2008年時人類就要大誕生,地球的小孩沒有準備好,2012年時又有一次機會也是沒準備好,現在慈悲的宇宙上帝給了地球的小孩優厚的待遇讓地球小孩有足夠的時間充電,地球的小孩大家要加油!


為了這齣宇宙大戲即將登場,宇宙的上帝特別邀請了耶穌基督降臨,扮演救世主"彌賽亞"、大慈悲的無量光佛演“彌勒佛”。今年中秋節2014年9月8日Ama會公布這個宇宙的喜訊,告知所有的佛菩薩、天使、天神以及地球上的同胞們,希望大家共襄勝舉,參與這齣大戲  。“大同世界人間天堂”是以至聖先師的禮運大同篇、佛教的五誡、摩西的十誡作為這齣戲表演的規範。地球小孩要表演100分因為宇宙上帝會給我們100年的獎品...。大同世界人間天堂是和平的世界沒有戰爭所以地球的小孩要放下武器迎接新天地否則上帝會沒收武器。

上檔日期 公元2014年9月7日


Apocalypse 37 Heaven on Earth (Da-Tong World)

The Huge Fan Starship Made by Earths

The huge starship (composed by 12 earths) was made by God’s love and wisdom. This huge starship is called “Fun” and is composed by 12 earths. There’s safe distance between each earth. Our earth is the seventh one and called lucky-seven earth. The progress of evolution of seventh earth children is as follows: God created the first human’s ancestors—DaDa and LaLa with universal light and sound. During the period of Heaven-Globe (Creation World), DaDa and LaLa gave birth to Heaven-Globe children from light and sound. After Human-God World, under different earthly environment, DaDa and LaLa transformed into godly human and mated with human beings to create many children on earth. Human’s ancestors—Adam and Eva, FuXi and NuWa are DaDa and LaLa. (Please review “DaDa and LaLa” book or our previous website “The Most Primitive Answer”)

2015 is actually the year of 2012. God created human beings and hopes they lead a very happy life during the evolution journey. God always watches the progress of earth children’s growth, concerns earth children’s safety. When earth children have trouble or encounter disasters, God will always descend to earth to solve the problem. For example, in 1999 earth was entering heaven-water space, however, the powerful rainfall made human hardly pass through. So God extended passing time to 3 years to earn more space so that the rain fell separately in different period of time. To make conclusion, 2015 is the year 2012.

Go Through the Black Hole

The most important moment of human’s evolution in the universe is to go through the black hole. If human beings can make it, it means the evolution is successful. The black hole in the universe is a long tunnel. The front of the tunnel is dark but it’s getting brighter and bright at the end. The length of black hole is 30,000,000 km. When Great Birth happens, earth aliens will take earth children to the pier of Empty Sea with UFO. The width of black hole pier is 21km with 33 runways. The ones who have strong light energy can go through the black hole immediately. The ones who have weak energy will spend two years to pass (60 years of black hole time). The ones who pass through can be born through Great Birth. But the ones whose energy is weak can only stay on earth. At that time, earth is without air conditioner (no air), without light (sun, moon, star), and without food. People will die on that earth. If Great Birth happens right now, only 50 million of people can success out of 70 billion people (present earth population). All the Bodhisattva, Gods, Fairy people came down to the earth in order to help earth children can be born successful during Great Birth. It costs a lot resource of universe. It’s a loss for God and God really signs! God said:” The magnetic field of earth was terrible.” He will clean up the stage of earth and let earth children can create a good drama “Da-Tong World, Heaven on Earth” to elevate earth children’s love power. If the show is wonderful, God will extend 100 years for earth children to collect more energy for Great Birth.

The Stage of SaHa World

The most marvelous step of human’s evolution is SaHa world. Every child on earth can play his or her own role as much as possible. Some play good guys, some play bad guys, some play beggars, and some play kings. No matter you play a man or a woman, there’s always mixed with sadness and happiness, bitterness and joy. Everyone can also decide his or her destiny of next life. People who can donate (it’s like to sow the seed of fortune), you can have rich life after reincarnation. People who make bad karma in this life, they’ll reincarnate as ghosts after death. It takes a long time to finish punishment and then go back to reincarnate on earth.

There’re rules in SaHa world. However, some people don’t like to follow the rules and mess up the earth. Under this circumstance, how can we set up a good example to those earth children who is going to evolve next time? It is 42rd time of evolution journey. The total times of human’s evolution journey are 168 times. In 2008, human beings are going to be born after Great Birth but earth children didn’t prepare well. In 2012, there’s another chance to make Great Birth happen, earth children still didn’t prepare for it. Now kind God makes another plan to let earth children have enough energy to make it. Earth children please work hard and make efforts as soon as possible!

Heaven on Earth (Da-Tong World)

In order to welcome this brilliant scene, Universal God invite Jesus Christ to descent to play Savior “Messiah” and Merciful Endless Light Buddha to play “Maitreya”. At this Autumn Festival, Sep. 8th, 2014, Ama will declare this good news to all the Bodhisattva, Angels, Gods and Goddesses, and human beings on earth and hopes everyone can join this event. The main theme of this play (Da-Tong world) is according to the chapter Li-Yun-Da-Tong written by Confucius, the five percepts of Buddhism, the ten commandments of Moses as rules. Earth children have to reach 100% score because God will give us 100% score present. There’s no war when heaven on earth (Da-Tong world), so earth children have to put down the weapons to welcome the new earth or God will take away all the weapons.

Written by Ama on Sep. 6th
Posted on Sep. 7th








上檔日期 公元2014年5月14日


Apocalypse 36:
Gift of Mother’s Day 2014
From the Resource of Universe Given by AMA

At 2013 Mother’s Day, Ama set up a program that as long as any human being could make efforts to achieve 2% level of the sparks by him or herself, Ama would complete the other 60% so that he or she could light up the energy of life to pass through the black hole.

At Mother’s Day this year, Ama is going to use the resource of universe to raise the efficiency of water power, wind power, ground heat and sun power which can produce the electricity naturally (reproducible energy). This program will make people can enjoy the safe power energy no matter in personal life, in public environment and in industrial production.

Ama set up all the energy power from water, wind, ground heat and the sun, this kind of reproducible energy will produce 5-21 times energy than before.

The duration of this program is only two and half months. It’s because Ama hoped every natural energy power company could realize how precious the electricity transferred from the universal resource is and share to all the poor brothers and sisters on earth.

From Oct. 1, 2014, as long as any natural energy companies which can share the extra electricity to those who are in poor, hunger in the world, they can produce more and more free energy given by Ama from the universe. The more they share, the more they care, the much more times electricity they will produce.

Written by Ama
Edit and typed by Amaprajana
Reviewed by Ama

Posted on May 14th, 2014












上檔日期 公元2014年5月14日

