View of Universe
(DaDa’s Universal Viewpoint)


Universe, Earth, Human

The revolving of the planets, the construction of celestial bodies, and the progress of human’s evolution are the designed formula by the primitive great energy power—I call It “AmaMumu” (the God and Goddess in Puyuma language). It’s also the rule to create the universe.

AmaMumu is the main energy of universe. She creates numberless universal families in endless universes. At the beginning of each universal family, AmaMumu will create 12 creative female bodies to give birth to human beings and stars—the 12 creative female bodies are called the main bodies of Earths.

The main body of Earth is a sparkling colorful huge Mani Pearl. Every time She brings billions of small Mani Pearls with different levels of colors from the upper universe to the lower universe and to do the evolution of human beings. During the progress of the evolution, AmaMumu sows the seed-like Mani Pearls into the sea of emptiness. And then the Mani Pearls which absorb the energy of gems and the materials such as gold, wood, water, earth combined together to transform into planets. Meanwhile, AmaMumu adds some energy of wisdom for the planets to make them transform into “holy globe earthlings”. The “holy global earthlings” are the bodies of gem-like materials and they’re the embryos of human beings with innocence and wisdom. However after the negative period of earth --SaHa world ( the earth we live right now), there’re some chemical elements adding into human bodies such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulphur, and nitrogen—the five main chemical elements, and 90 secondary chemical elements to transform into chemical material bodies. The chemical material bodies make human beings have more complicated and sensitive chemical reactions which make human beings are charmed by them and hard to understand the meaning of existence of human beings.

Why does AmaMumu want to create human beings? Take a simple example, the master of large universe is “Holy God”, the master of medium universe is “Holy Goddess”, and the master of small universe is “human being”—also called “the child of God and Goddess”. AmaMumu has enough power to create human beings with great love of kindness and wisdom. The purpose is to make everyone of us to become Her and has the ability of creating a universe. Just like the situation of this world, every parent hopes their children to have their own families. So it’s humane in this universe. And the humanity is the model of AmaMumu to create this world. We thank AmaMumu—the master of this universe.

This body of earth we live right now is called “the mother of Love Earth”. “the mother of Love Earth” was born before 5,575,969,998 years ago. If we add the tail of time, until now the year 1998, She is 5,783,890,689 years old.

The mother of Love earth is like a lamp which never extinguishes to give birth to her children again and over again and bring them into “the ideal nation of Eternal Paradise”. We’re the 42nd time earthlings created by “the mother of Love Earth”. Since we come from the placenta of the mother of Love earth as small Mani pearls, it passes 367,945,998 years already. However, during the progress of human’s evolution, we’re still foetuses. After 0.22 second, our mother of Love earth will give birth again, and we will be born during the “Great Birth”.


The Upper Universe and Lower Universe

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The Cosmic O’clock of Earth

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“Du!” — the time right now is 59 minutes and 59.38 seconds pass 7 o’clock.
After 0.22 second, it’s the “Golden Eight O’clock”.
The rotation of earth is 12 times a day, just like 12 hours.


The Diagram of the Ages of “Love Earth”

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The Holy Globe period: 1-5 o’clock is “the creative world”
6 o’clock is “God and Human” world.
The earth period: 7 o’clock is “SaHa world”
8-12 o’clock is “Golden World”
Every waiting year is called “the tail of time”.


The Gold Thread and Silver Belt
(Energy Atom and Energy Nuclear)

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Each small spiritual body of human being is attached with the 12 bodies of 12 medium universes by a “silver belt”. And there’s a “gold thread” inside each body to cross with “silver belt” to form a crucifix to turn on the great energy of large, medium, and small universes. So each body has character of “Buddha”, or you can call it “Tao” or “God”.

There’s a gold thread inside each one’s body to attach the resource of the great energy. And the silver belt is to attach the past and future time of the 12 earths. When we’re dreaming, you can go to the past and future. If you turn on your super consciousness, the situation of 12 earths will be like a big screen in front of you.


The Time Table of 12 Earth

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The earth we live right now is "the seventh Love Holy Earth".
The time of it is the year 1998.
But "the sixth earth" is from the year 1999 to the year 2007.


The Eight O’clock Show

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During the period of “Great Birth”—1999 (not the particular time of earth), the eight planets—the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Moon will arrange to form a crucifix (the earth is in the center) and suddenly stop to move. Meanwhile, the earth will lean 1/8 against northeast to southwest and revolve rapidly. The earth rotates 42,000,000 kilometers for 16 times a day with the speed of 2,625,000 kilometers per hour. (You can check the page one of chapter “the Golden World”to know the rotation of earth.) This time the biggest star in this universe shows up—“the star of Messiah ( Amitabuddha)” which is the biggest and brightest star in this universe. It’s 200 times larger than the sun. And the energy is 10,000,000 times stronger than the sun. The astronomers found this star in 1990 and called it “Pistol”.

Besides the “Missiah”, there’re nine suns appearing and surrounding in the sky. These nine suns shot down by the famous people—Ho-e in Chinese mythology.


The Babyhood of Golden World

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12 years of Golden World are equal to 6000 years of earth time
The earth expands 31.25 times larger than the earth we live right now
A day is equal to 500 days
A year is equal to 500 years
The earth rotates 16 times a day, there’re 16 hours a day
A hour is equal to 750 hours


The Nine O’clock of Golden World

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The earth leans 1/8 against north to south
And rotates from north to south
Everyday it rotates 63,000,000 kilometers
The speed per hour is 262,500 kilometers, and it rotates 24 times a day.


The Youth of Golden World

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6000 years in SaHa world is equal to 8 years in Golden World
The earth expand 46.88 times larger than the earth we live right now
A day is equal to 750 days
A year is equal to 750 years
The earth rotates 24 times a day, so there’re 24 hours a day.


The Ten O’clock of Golden World

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The earth leans 1/8 against northwest to southeast
And rotates from northwest to southeast
Everyday it rotates 84,000 kilometers
The speed is 2,625,000 kilometers, and it rotates 32 times a day


The Youth of Golden World

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6000 years in SaHa world are equal to six years in Golden World
The earth expands 62.5 times larger under the anti-magnetic gravity
One day in the youth of Golden World is equal to 24,000 hours
One day is equal to 1000 days of earth time
One year is equal to 1000 years of earth time
The earth rotates 32 times a day so there are 32 hours a day


The Eleven O’clock of Golden World

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The earth lean 1/8 again for the last time against wes to east
Everyday it rotates 100,002,600 kilometers
The speed per hour is 2,625,000 kilometers, and it rotates 48 times a day

The end of 11 o’clock of Golden World is the year 2029 of earth time. Human’s evolution is successful. Human beings who experience the evolution successfully can enter the "Holy Temple" from the 12 gemstone gates.


The Adulthood of Golden World

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6000 years of SaHa world are equal to 4 years of Golden World
The earth expands 93.75 times larger than the earth we live right now
It’s the ultimate degree to expand
There’re 36,000 hours a day
A day is equal to 1,500 days of the earth time we sense right now
A year is equal to 1,500 years
The earth rotates 48 times a day, so there’re 48 hours a day


The Twelve O’clock of Golden World

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The star “Amida” guards the earth together with 36 suns, and there’re 108 billion of suns, 240 billion of moons and 72 billion shining stars are following after the earth. They are going to pass the universal black hole into the universal white hole.


The Period of Big Bang

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6000 years of SaHa world are equal to 1.5 years in Golden World, and the earth won’t expand anymore.When human beings are going into the 12 doors of the holy palace, the earth is experiencing the period of “Big Bang”. Any substance piled on the cover of earth gets away into the sea of emptiness and the only thing left is the real face of earth. The stars are also exploring to get rid of the unnecessary substance to show the real shining bodies, and then they jump into 1/4 sea in the earth to form the sea of gems very beautifully.


The Black Hole

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The black hole exists in the 4th dimensional space, and also the last filter of human’s evolution. The swirl of black hole is weak or strong, thin or thick. As to those who have super material bodies, they can pass all the black holes easily. However, as to those material or spiritual bodies lacking of energy, the black hole is like an endless swirling tunnel you can’t never go through forever.